Cēloņsakarība Krimināllikuma normās, tās izpratnes teorētiskie un praktiskie aspekti

Concept of Causal Relationship in Norms of Criminal Law, Its Theoretical and Practical Aspects

https://doi.org/10.22364/iscflul.8.1.13 | 157–166 | PDF

Evija Vīnkalna, Mg. soc.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes lektore

Atslēgvādi: cēloņsakarība, Krimināllikums, noziedzīgs nodarījums

Keywords: causal relationship, Criminal Law, criminal offence

The concept of causal relationship as the basic feature of the composition of a material criminal offence, is formulated in the doctrine of criminal law. The aim of the article is to explore different opinions and findings linked with issues of understanding the concept of causal relationship and expressed in the criminal law in Latvia during recent years, as well as to deliberate the issues of unambiguous understanding of the composition of material and formal criminal offence.