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Noziedzīga nodarījuma objekta doktrinārā novērtējuma ietekme uz noziedzīgu nodarījumu kvalifikāciju

Impact of Doctrinal Assessment of Object of Criminal Offence on Qualification of Criminal Offences

Toms Čevers, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorants
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultātes Starptautisko ekonomisko sakaru un muitas institūta Muitas un nodokļu katedras docētājs

Applying comparative scientific research method, the article inquires into conclusions of Latvian criminal law legal doctrine regarding the role of the object of a criminal offence in the qualification of criminal offences. It concludes that the object has no independent significance for distinction of criminal offences. Nevertheless, the title of the chapter of the Special part of the Criminal Code, which reflects the group object, promotes the systemic interpretation of legal norms. Since the protected interest per se is determined by the criminalization of the deed in question, Section 1901, which criminalizes the smuggling of dangerous items, is applicable, although it does not threaten the national economy, yet it is included in Chapter XIX “Criminal Offences of an Economic Nature”.

Atslēgvārdi: tiesību doktrīna, noziedzīga nodarījuma objekts, kontrabanda

Keywords: legal doctrine, object of a criminal offence, smuggling

Tiesību ierobežojumu pieļaujamība un attaisnojamība demokrātiskā tiesiskā valstī. Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Admissibility and Justifiability of Restrictions of Rights in a Democratic State Governed by the Rule of Law. Article collection in legal science, the 81st international scientific conference  of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023. 432 lpp.