Reliģiski-filozofisku rakstu speciālizdevums “Dinamiskā Āzija” (Dynamic Asia) (PDF)
Galvenā redaktore: Solveiga Krūmiņa-Koņkova
Atbildīgie redaktori par speciālizdevumu – Jānis Priede, Kaspars Kļaviņš
ISSN 1407-1908
Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti ir anonīmi recenzēts periodisks izdevums ar starptautisku zinātniskās redakcijas kolēģiju. Tā mērķis ir padziļināt lasītāju zināšanas par reliģiski filozofisko ideju vēsturi, attīstību mūsdienās un to vietu Latvijas un Eiropas kultūrā. Iznāk vismaz vienu reizi gadā latviešu un angļu valodā. Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti pieejami arī Centrālās un Austrumeiropas Interneta bibliotēkā (Central and Eastern European Online Library, CEEOL), EBSCO un SCOPUS datubāzē.
Jānis Priede, Kaspars Kļaviņš. Introduction. Dynamic Asia: Shaping the Future. Religious Philosophical Articles, Volume XXVI
Agnese Haijima. Traditional Elements in Contemporary Japanese. Architecture and Interior Design with Focus on Fujimori Terunobu and Kengo Kuma
Natālija Abrola. Origins and Proliferation of Indic Sciences in Latvia
Darima Amogolonova. Buddhism in the Russian Desecularization Processes (Materials of Buryatia)
Pierrick Porchet. Process of Institualization in Chinese Martial Arts: the Case of its Ranking System
Olga Mazo. Hedgehog Spirits in Traditional Chinese Culture and Today
Līga Sakse. On the Japanese Floral Photography in the 21st Century
Tomasz Sleziak. Sages – Dead or Alive? Relevance of Confucianism in Studies of South Korean Modernity
Kaspars Kļaviņš. Korean Dangun and Latvian Bearslayer – Two Bear-Man Hero Myths
Linas Didvalis. “The Most Warlike Nation” from “Heavenly Beautiful” Islands: Japan in Matas Šalčius’s Travels
Savannah Rivka Powell. Divine Acts of Power: Intersectionality of Gender and Spirituality of Miko, Ainu and Ryūkyūan Traditions of Japan
Kristina Dolinina. The Stylistic Schools in Kathak Dance: Tradition and Transformation
Marja-Leena Heikkilä-Horn, Maynadi Kyaw. From “Giraffe Women” to “Long-Necked Karen”. Kayan Women’s Journey io Agency in the Thai-Myanmar Borderlands
Raminta Lisauskaitė. Asian Refugee Women: Adapting Female Lifestyles
Evgeniia Drozhashchikh. Space Race 2.0. Shifting to Asia
Māris Kūlis. Philosophical Challenges of Western Philosophy and Values in Face of Modern Terrorism (Islamic State and Al-Qaeda)
Leons Taivans. Antropologist Geertz, General Suharto and the Islamization of Muslim Indonesia
Ingrida Kleinhofa. The Chronicles of Double Un-Belonging: Representations of Hybrid Identity in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf