| 684-695 | PDF | © University of Latvia, 2023

Secondary-School Student Transversal Skills in Mathematics. Comparison Between Teacher Assessment and Student Self-Assessment

Gatis Lāma
University of Latvia, Latvia

Abstract. In order to ensure attainment of educational objectives, the development of transversal skills has been identified as a key component of learning. The future is uncertain, and it is difficult to predict, which knowledge and skills will be needed for life. Education must not only prepare young people for work but also encourage the development of skills that are essential for students to become active and responsible citizens. The uncertainty about the future also changes accents in education by increasing the importance of transversal skills in secondary education, including in the subject of mathematics. In view of the fact that learning in school is mostly carried out in specific subjects and the context of the subject influences the expression of transversal skills, it is necessary to assess the student degree of transversal skill development in a specific subject. Therefore, the study assessed transversal skills of secondary school students in mathematics. Student transversal skills were measured from two perspectives: teacher assessment and student self-assessment. The mean values of pupils’ self-assessment were significantly higher than that of teachers. However, the analysis of the results shows the similarities between teacher assessment and student self-assessment as transversal skills that are evaluated higher are the same. Both teachers and students have highly evaluated their analysis and collaboration skills. Also, transversal skills that are evaluated as least developed by teacher and students are the same. Both teachers and students have evaluated their problem-solving skills and creativity as the less developed among all measured transversal skills. Although average values of teacher assessments and student self-assessments vary, there is consistency in both assessments, indicating that both students and teachers are well aware of students’ transversal skill development level. However, students’ self-assessments mean value tends to be higher than mean value of student assessment by teacher.

Keywords: secondary school, self-assessment, mathematics, transferable skills, transversal skills

To Be or Not to Be a Great Educator, 2022. Proceedings of ATEE Annual Conference
Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2023. 985 p.
EdL. Daniela
ISBN 978-9934-36-019-0