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Teachers‘ Reflection on Personalized Learning

Dora Levterova-Gadjalova, Krasimira Ivanova
Plovdiv University, Bulgaria

Abstract. Personalized learning as a new trend in inclusive education is undoubtedly influenced by teachers‘ reflections before and after its implementation. The carried-out reflection allows each teacher to change previously established positions for the implementation of the educational activity, to reach the ability to change his points of view according to the strengths and potential of the students, and thus achieve greater efficiency in the learning process. Through realized reflection, each teacher creates creative attitudes towards and for the learning process and undoubtedly a more complete unity between consciousness and responsibility for the learning process and behavior.
A focused study was conducted with three groups of teacher-respondents. The groups are structured accordingly: the first group of 15 primary teachers, the second group of 15 high school teachers, and the third group of 15 resource teachers. The reflective activity of the three groups of teacher-respondents at different levels of reflection towards personalized learning is investigated: intellectual reflection in learning, personal reflection, reflection as dialogue, reflection in problem situations, and undoubtedly praxeological reflection in the two variants of manifestation: professional and technological reflection. The results demonstrate higher levels of reflection as dialogue and praxeological reflection in primary and resource teachers compared to primary teachers, and higher levels of reflection in problem situations and intellectual reflection in primary teachers compared to primary teachers. It turns out that the reflection of the teacher-respondents on personalized learning is strongly influenced by the cultural and existential reflection in the three groups of respondents. With all the teacher-respondents, the critical reflection towards personalized learning is very vividly demonstrated, which finds expression in the presentation of one‘s own pedagogical experience and one‘s own pedagogical intuition. There is a dynamic from a-reflection to reflection to personalized learning with the A-effectiveness of both respondents and students.

Keywords: inclusive education, personalized learning, reflection, self-efficacy, teachers

About the authors

Dora Levterova is a professor in Education in Pedagogy Faculty in Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She has over 120 publications in the field of inclusive education, pedagogy, and psychology of children and students with SEN. She supervised 17 successfully defended Ph.D. students.

Krasimira Ivanova is a Ph.D. student in Special Education in Pedagogy Faculty in Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She works as a resource teacher and speech therapist.

To Be or Not to Be a Great Educator, 2022. Proceedings of ATEE Annual Conference
Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2023. 985 p.
EdL. Daniela
ISBN 978-9934-36-019-0