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Personas izdarīts noziedzīgs nodarījums un sodāmība kā Latvijas Republikas Satversmē paredzēto tiesību izvēlēties nodarbošanos un darbavietu ierobežojums

Criminal Offence and Criminal Record as a Restriction of the Right to Choose an Employment and Workplace Provided for in Republic of Latvia Constitution

Evija Vīnkalna, Mg. soc.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Krimināltiesisko zinātņu katedras lektore

The first sentence of the Section 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (Constitution) states that “everyone has the right to freely choose their employment and workplace according to their abilities and qualifications”. These rights are not absolute, the Section 116 of the Constitution provides for possibility of restrictions “in circumstances provided for by law in order to protect the rights of other people, the democratic structure of the State, and public safety, welfare and morals”. The aim of the article is to discuss the legal restrictions on the choice of employment and workplace, their assessment in connection with a criminal offence committed by a person and criminal record.

Atslēgvārdi: darbavieta, ierobežojums, nodarbošanās, noziedzīgs nodarījums, sodāmība

Keywords: workplace, restriction, employment, criminal offence, criminal record