| 94-102 | PDF

Datu otrreizēja izmantošana – jauni izaicinājumi vai jaunas iespējas?

Secondary Use of Data – New Challenges or New Opportunities?

Agris Bitāns, Mag. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes lektors

The article is dedicated to challenges regarding secondary use of personal medical data and social data. As recognised by European Commission, the digital transition should work for all, putting people first and opening new opportunities for business.
According to latest Open Data Institute research, Latvia is placed in the middle amongst the EU countries regarding policy for secondary use of health data.
Finish Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data and FinData practical experience constitutes a good role model regarding secondary use of health and social data.
Latvia has commenced drafting the law for secondary use of personal data, and there are several issues, which should be addressed in this draft law.

Atslēgvārdi: personas dati, datu otrreizēja izmantošana, aizsardzība

Keywords: personal data, secondary use of data, protection