Balode, Ineta; Lele-Rozentāle, Dzintra; Priede, Zanda (compilers and scientific editors). Linguistic and Medical Aspects in Health Care. Focus on Dementia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2024. 121 pp.
ISBN 978-9934-36-274-3 (PDF)
The collective monograph reveals dementia as an element of public discourse, an object of interdisciplinary research encompassing the fields of medicine, linguistics, and discursively – social sciences; dementia is considered from a medical perspective and in the context of social care. The findings and conclusions indicate that it is necessary to establish collaborative, interdisciplinary research on dementia in the Baltic states to provide optimal support to the patients in the future and to find far-reaching socially responsible solutions.
The collective monograph was approved for publication at the meeting of the UL Council of Humanities and Social Sciences on 16 February 2024 (decision No. 4).
The monograph has been published with the support of the Scientific Activity Development Project of the University of Latvia.
Editorial board:
Prof. Dr. med. Andrejs Millers (Rīga Stradiņš University)
Prof. Dr. geol. Valdis Segliņš (University of Latvia)
Dr. philol. Agnese Dubova (Riga Technical University, RTU Liepaja)
Prof. Dr. phil. em. Eva Maagerø (University of South-Eastern Norway)
Dr. phil. Luise Liefländer-Leskinen (Head of Association of Finnish-German societies in Finland / SSYL)
Prof. Dr. med. Gintaras Ferdinandas Kaubrys (Vilnius University Hospital Santara clinics)
Prof. a.d. Dr. phil. Ulrike Haß (University of Duisburg–Essen)
Justina Valinčiūtė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences)
© Ineta Balode, Ieva Blumberga, Ariana Burmistrova, Sven Claes, Katrin Gross-Paju, Siiri Jaakson, Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle, Ida Mitchell, Ann-Ly Palosaari, Zanda Priede, Greta Pšemeneckienė, Sintija Strautmane, Justina Valinčiūtė, Miglė Viliušytė, Vaiva Žeimantienė, 2024
© University of Latvia, 2024
Ineta Balode, Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle, Zanda Priede
Preface. Topicality of the Research from the Multidisciplinary Perspective
I. Dementia from a Medical Point of View
Katrin Gross-Paju
Frontotemporal Degeneration
Zanda Priede, Sintija Strautmane
Diagnostic Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease in Clinical Practice
Greta Pšemeneckienė, Justina Valinčiūtė, Miglė Viliušytė
Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Associated with C9orf72 Gene Mutation: Case Report and Literature Review
II. Dementia from an Interdisciplinary Point of View
Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle
Linguistics and Medicine: Linguistic and Interdisciplinary Research Insights and Potential
Sven Claes, Siiri Jaakson, Ida Mitchell, Ann-Ly Palosaari
Sensitive Memory Work in Finland
Ineta Balode
Dementia in Focus: Interdisciplinary Research Tasks in Latvia
Ariana Burmistrova, Vaiva Žeimantienė
Verwendung der Bezeichnungen für Demenz in deutschen und litauischen Medien (Use of the Terms for Dementia in German and Lithuanian Media)