Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Volume 8 (PDF) Riga: University of Latvia, 2018. 164 pages. ISSN 1691-9971

Editor-in-Chief: Andrejs Veisbergs (University of Latvia, Latvia)
Issue editor: Monta Farneste (University of Latvia, Latvia)

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Mayowa Akinlotan. Emergence of New Predictors Projecting the  Definite Article Variability: Evidence from Nigerian English

Vineta Apse, Monta Farneste. Error Analysis of the Use of Linking  Words and Phrases in Tertiary Level  Essays

Vita Kalnbērziņa. Intercultural/Pluricultural Communication Construct and Its  Levels

Oleksandr Kapranov. The Impact of Implicit Instruction upon the Use of English Discourse Markers in Written Tasks at  the Advanced Beginners’ Level of  EFL Proficiency

Laura Karpinska. Development of Latvian-English-Latvian Dictionaries of  Legal  Terms (1991–2017)

Ignacio Ramos-Gay. ‘A Ghastly and Blasphemous Nightmare’: Environmental Ethics in Dickens’s  Journalism

Baiba Rudevska, Gunta Roziņa, Indra Karapetjana. Interpretation of the Concept Gender in Legal Discourse

Aristi Trendel. The Tribulations of American  Democracy in Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America

Andrejs Veisbergs. Word-Formation Pattern Borrowing in Latvian

Edit Willcox-Ficzere. An Investigation into How B2-C2  Level English as  a Foreign  Language (EFL) Learners Display Their Pragmatic Competence in Speaking