| 378-384 | PDF

Cietušā institūts administratīvo pārkāpumu procesā

Institute of a Victim in the Administrative Offence Procedure

Edvīns Danovskis, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Valststiesību zinātņu katedras docents

The article analyses the institute of a victim in the administrative offence procedure by both examining genesis of the victim in administrative offence procedure and the legal consequences of the procedure for the victim. It is concluded in the article, that the Administrative Liability Law, adopted in 2018, quite rightly does not grant to the victim the right to demand commencement of administrative offence proceedings as well as to appeal the decision of authority not to commence proceedings. However, it is also argued that the victim should not be allowed to appeal also a decision not to impose a fine to an offender or ask for more severe punishment. It is even advised to consider the abolishment of the institute of a victim in administrative offence procedure.

Atslēgvārdi: cietušais, administratīvo pārkāpumu process, tiesības pārsūdzēt lēmumu

Keywords: victim, administrative offence procedure, right to appeal