| 353-359 | PDF

Mantas konfiskācija kā soda veids: problemātika un aktuālie jautājumi

Confiscation of Property as a Penalty: Problems and Topical Issues

Harijs Samuels Bašs
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes bakalaura studiju programmas “Tiesību zinātne” pilna laika klātienes 3. kursa students

The article examines the confiscation of property as a penalty and its place in modern Latvian criminal law, looking at its development in recent years, as well as comparing it with other types of confiscation of property in Latvia. In the author’s opinion, the alternatives open to state for combating money laundering are sufficiently wide to reconsider the need for such a penalty in its current form. The article will suggest the ways to develop this institute.

Atslēgvārdi: mantas konfiskācija, noziedzīgi iegūta manta, sods, krimināltiesības

Keywords: confiscation of property, criminal property, penalty, criminal law