| 346-352 | PDF

Ārkārtējā situācija Latvijā – regulējums un konstitucionālais pamats

State of Emergency in Latvia – Regulation and Constitutional GROUNDS

Tomass Hodosevičs
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes bakalaura studiju programmas “Tiesību zinātne” pilna laika klātienes 3. kursa students

Unlike many other countries in the EU, only a special legal regime regarding threats of a military nature (state of exception) has been directly established in Latvia at the constitutional level. However, the institute of the state of emergency provided for in the special law was widely used during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both regimes are extremely similar in content and differ mostly in their basis of application. Therefore, the issue of the compliance of state of emergency with the Constitution of Latvia (Satversme) becomes topical. With regard to avoiding an unreasonable conclusion that the Satversme precludes the state of emergency, the author provides analysis of development of Latvian regulation and highlights the historical aspects in context of specifics of interpretation of the Satversme.

Atslēgvārdi: izņēmuma stāvoklis un ārkārtējā situācija, īpašs tiesiskais režīms, likumdošana, konstitūcijas dinamiska iztulkošana

Keywords: state of exception and state of emergency, special legal regime, legislation, dynamic statutory interpretation