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Gamification to Develop Fifth-Form Students’ Self-Directed Learning Skills in English Lessons

Spēļošana pašvadītu mācīšanās prasmju attīstībai 5. klases skolēniem angļu valodas mācību stundās

Anna Holberga
Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes maģistra studiju programmas “Krievijas un Eirāzijas studijas” studente

The aim of the paper is to explore what gamification elements can help to develop students’ self-directed learning skills in English lessons of form 5, because self-directed learning skills are essential for students’ further life. Besides, in her previous study the author has discovered that gamification is an effective tool to keep students interested and motivated. The data collection methods in this paper included analysis of literature and regulatory education documents.
Accordingly, it was found that students might lack distinct skills that constitute self-directed learning. Since the learning needs and wants of each student may differ, the teacher must act as a guide to the students, using elements of gamification to motivate the students and provide different activities that would help the students become independent learners. The author concluded that awards, levels, a story narrative, curve of interest and engagement were the most effective gamification elements for improving students’ reflection and motivation to learn independently. Furthermore, this leads to a decrease of behavioural issues.

Keywords: gamification, self-directed learning, English lessons, learning strategies, independent language learner.

Elementum. 2022. gada LU studentu zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Sastādītāja Laura Dace Pakalniete. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 206 lpp.