Baltu filoloģija publishes contributions in Latvian, Lithuanian, English, or German. Non-native language authors are encouraged to have their manuscripts reviewed for language before submission.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial board via email:

Manuscripts should not exceed 50,000 characters (no spaces) for articles, 25,000 characters for reviews, and 15,000 characters for informative notes. Longer works require editor and editorial board approval.

Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract (up to 1500 characters) and up to five keywords. For manuscripts in Latvian, Lithuanian, or German, the title, abstract, and keywords must also be provided in English.

A more extensive summary in a different language (up to 4000 characters) should be provided at the end of the article. This should be in English for manuscripts in Latvian, Lithuanian, or German, and in Latvian for manuscripts in Lithuanian, English, and German.

The editorial board undertakes editing of abstracts and summaries written in Latvian and English, as well as translation of abstracts and summaries into Latvian from other languages.

The text must be written using the Latin alphabet only. Text in other writing systems should be converted to the Latin writing system. Cyrillic text should be transliterated according to the international system of scientific transliteration of Cyrillic (

Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word and PDF versions using the Palemonas font. Font files should be provided for non-standard fonts.

The title page must contain the title and the author’s name and affiliation. Footnotes should be avoided unless necessary. Tables, diagrams and charts should be included in separate files at the end of the manuscript, numbered consecutively and titled. Reference must be made in the text and approximate position indicated.

Language examples in the body of the text should be italicized and when necessary followed by the gloss in single inverted commas.

Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously, so authors should ensure their identity is not revealed in the manuscript.

References should be cited in the text using the author/editor’s name, year of publication, and the page reference, e.g. (Rudzīte 1964: 15). If more than one article by the same author from the same year is quoted, a, b, etc. should follow the year. The context determines whether all of the above information, or all minus the author’s name, should be in parentheses.

The titles of collective and frequently used works should be shortened, e.g.: ME, LKŽ.

The reference section should include all works referred to in the text and these works only. They are to be listed in alphabetical order by author/editor, with complete bibliographical details.

Examples of references:

  • Monographs or edited collections:
    • Rudzīte, Marta. 1964. Latviešu dialektoloģija. Rīga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība.
    • Bergmane, Anna, Aina Blinkena. 1986. Latviešu rakstības attīstība. Latviešu literārās valodas vēstures pētījumi. Rīga: Zinātne.
    • Blinkena, Aina (red.). 1997. Savai valodai. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Goda loceklim Rūdolfam Grabim veltīts piemiņas krājums. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis.
    • Ambrazas, Vytautas (ed.). 1997. Lithuanian Grammar. Vilnius: Baltos lankos.
    • Ross, Kristiina, Pēteris Vanags (eds.). 2008. Common Roots of the Latvian and Estonian Literary Languages. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Volumes in a series:
    • Schmalstieg, William R. 2000. The Historical Morphology of the Baltic Verb. (Journal of Indo-European Studies. Monograph No. 37). Washington: Institute for the Study of Man.
    • Kalniņš, Aigars. 2020. Studies in Latvian Comparative Dialectology — with special focus on word-final *-āj(s)/*-ēj(s) and *-āji(s)/*-ēji(s) (Stockholm Studies in Baltic Languages 12). Stockholm: Stockholm University.
  • Articles in journals and collections:
    • Lagzdiņa, Sarmīte. 1998. Adverbien, Präpositionen oder Halb­präpositionen? Linguistica Baltica 7, 151–166.
    • Mickienė, Ilona, Aušra Černiauskaitė. 2014. Įvardijimai XIX amžiaus pradžioje: Telšių bažnyčios gimimo metrikų studija. Lituanistica 60(3), 168–179. DOI:
    • Rudzīte, Marta. 1997. Izloksne vietvārdos. Aina Blinkena (red.). Savai valodai. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Goda loceklim Rūdolfam Grabim veltīts piemiņas krājums. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis, 247–259.
    • Lokmane, Ilze, Andra Kalnača. 2014. Modal semantics and morphosyntax of the Latvian debitive. Elisabeth Leiss, Werner Abraham (eds.). Modes of modality. Modality, typology, and universal grammar. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 167–191. DOI:
  • Reviews:
    • Vanags, Pēteris (rec.). 2023. Dalia Kiseliūnaitė. Kuršių nerijos kuršininkų kalba. I dalis. Fonetika ir fonologija, 2022. Acta linguistica lithuanica 88, 303–308. DOI:
    • Eckert, Rainer (rev.). 2012. Andrejs Veisbergs. Borrowed Phraseology in Latvian (17th–21st Century), 2012. Baltu filoloģija 21(2), 102–105.
  • Dissertations, theses:
    • Frīdenberga, Anna. 2016. Nominālā vārddarināšana Georga Manceļa darbos. Promocijas darbs filoloģijas doktora grāda iegūšanai valodniecības zinātņu nozares latviešu diahroniskās valodniecības apakšnozarē. Latvijas Universitāte.
    • Kazakėnaitė, Ernesta. 2019. XVI–XVII a. liuteronų latviškųjų Biblijos tekstų sąsajos su Glücko Biblijos vertimu (1685–1694). Humanitarinių mokslų daktaro disertacija. Vilniaus universitetas.
    • Laura, Liene. 2009. Latviešu valodas loma latviešu sabiedrībā 19. gadsimta otrajā pusē: situācijas dinamika un tās atspoguļojums tā laika latviešu presē. Maģistra darbs. Latvijas Universitāte.
  • Internet sources:
  • Abbreviations:
    • ALEW I–III = Altlitauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Hock und der Mitarbeit von Elvira-Julia Bukevičiūtė und Christiane Schiller, bearbeitet von Rainer Fecht, Anna Helene Feulner, Eugen Hill und Dagmar S. Wodko. Bd. 1–3. Hamburg: Baar, 2015.
    • LKŽ = Lietuvių kalbos žodynas. 1, 3–20. Vilnius, 1941, 1956–2002; 2. Kaunas, 1947; 12–22 – 2 leid. Vilnius, 1968–1969.
    • ME = Mülenbachs, Kārlis. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. Rediģējis, papildinājis, turpinājis J. Endzelīns, 1–4. Rīga, 1923–1932.