Baltu filoloģija(BF) is an international peer-reviewed research journal of Baltic linguistics compiled by the Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies of the University of Latvia and published by the University of Latvia Press

BF aims to publish research studies in all areas of Baltic linguistics, including contributions in Latvian, Lithuanian, English, and German. Papers on non-Baltic subjects of interest to Balticists may also be considered. Additionally, BF welcomes review articles, book reviews, and informative notes. 

BF utilizes a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality and avoid bias. 

One volume is published annually in two issues, one by August and the other by the end of the year.  

BF has been issued since 1991. Volumes 1-6 were published by the Faculty of Philology of the University of Latvia, volumes 7-9 were included in the series of Research Articles of the University of Latvia. Since volume 10 (2002), BF has been published as an independent journal of the University of Latvia. 

ISSN 1691-0036 (print) 
ISSN 2592-9348 (online) 

Since 2017, Vol. 26 No. 1, each volume and each article has a DOI number.
The DOI of the journal is 

In order to prevent malpractice, all submissions are screened by the Turnitin™ software. 

Articles in the journal are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license since 2023.  

All journal volumes are available on the E-resource repository of the University of Latvia. 

Indexed in
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), MLA International Bibliography 
Social Science Premium Collection