Grounds for Compensation in Administrative Procedure for the Damages Caused in Criminal Proceedings – Some Relevant Aspects Observed in Latvia’s Laws and Case Law | Pages 327-346 | PDF

Arija Meikalisa, Dr. iur., Professor

Kristine Strada-Rozenberga, Dr. iur., Professor
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia, Latvia

Keywords: damages caused in criminal proceedings, compensation for damages in administrative procedure

The article is dedicated to the topic of compensation in administrative procedure for such damages that have been inflicted by unlawful or unjustified infringements on a person’s legal interests in the framework of criminal proceedings in Latvia. Acknowledging that this topic comprises numerous relevant and problematic aspects, this article focuses on those infringements in the case of which compensation for damages is due and on the preconditions for claiming it. The article presents the authors’ opinion on whether the regulation on this matter in Latvia is sufficiently clear, what the relevant issues are in the practice of applying law, and the proposals for improving the regulation and practice.