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Internal Communication and Management by Obiectives in Sports Profile Institutions

Renato Gabriel Petrea1, Sergiu Cătălin Bîrgovan2, Marin Chirazi1, Pia Simona Făgăraș3
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania
“Bucovina” Forestry College of Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Romania
3 “G. E. Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgul Mureș, Romania

Abstract. Effective communication is required not only in interpersonal/human relationships but also in a successful management. In the real world, there is no organization without good communication.
Since the acceptance of “management” as a separate body of knowledge over a half century ago, no management tool has had such a pervasive impact on organizations as the management by objectives.
In this article, a cross-sectional study was conducted using the survey method based on a questionnaire with 24 items (10 items for the variable internal communication; 10 items for the variable management by obiectives and 4 items for demographic data: gender, age, city and work institutions).
The main objective of this study is to show what kind of connection there is between the variable internal communication and the variable management by objectives among teachers from high schools with sports program and the teachers from faculties of physical education and sports in the Eastern side of Romania (Moldova Region). We also wanted to see if there is a difference between internal communication among high school teachers compared to university teachers. The same aspect of the difference was analyzed in the case of the management by obiectives variable.
The study has 127 validated questionnaires that were completed by 80 teachers working in eight high schools with sports program and 47 teachers working in four faculties of physical education and sports in the Eastern side of Romania.

Keywords: communication, educational institutions, management, physical education, sports

In: Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2022. Proceedings of Scientific Papers = Cilvēks, tehnoloģijas un izglītības kvalitāte, 2022. Rakstu krājums
Riga, University of Latvia, 2022. 1135 p. Ed. L. Daniela
ISBN 978-9934-18-911-1