Starptautisko un nacionālo sankciju kā nejaušu šķēršļu iedarbība uz līgumattiecībām

International and National Sanctions as Fortuitous Impediment Impact on Contractual Relationship | 270–280 | PDF

Dāvids Andris Blehmanis, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskā fakultāte

Atslēgvārdi: starptautiskās sankcijas, nacionālās sankcijas, primārās sankcijas, sekundārās sankcijas, nejauši šķēršļi, nepārvarama vara, nejaušs notikums

Keywords: international sanctions, national sanctions, primary sanctions, secondary sanctions, fortuitous impediment, force majeure, fortuitous event

Fortuitous impediment is a legal excuse for non-performance of the contractual obligations. It consists of two elements – force majeure and fortuitous event. In some cases, sanctions can be a fortuitous impediment, if certain conditions are met. However, these conditions may vary depending on different sanctions. The purpose of the article is to analyse sanctions from the perspective of a fortuitous impediment. In this article, the attention is drawn to the analysis of the fortuitous impediment criteria and examples from practice.