Nacionālā profesūra globalizācijas apstākļos

National Professorship in a Globalised World | 46–53 | PDF

Ineta Ziemele, Ph. D. (Cantab.), profesore
Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola
Eiropas Savienības Tiesas tiesnese

Atslēgvārdi: cilvēka identitāte, nācija, valsts, valsts esības kritēriji, teritorija, valoda, nacionālā augstskola, nacionālā profesūra, globalizācija

Keywords: human identity, nation, state, statehood criteria, territory, language, national university, national professorship, globalization

Developments in science and technology have affected human societies in unprecedented ways, and the higher education in the 21st century faces heretofore unknown challenges and new questions. One of the main questions concerns the role of national universities in the era of globalization. Societies need their intellectual elites for their development and sustainability more than ever. The national professorship, among others, forms part of the intellectual elite of the society. Even if national university is not amongst the criteria of statehood, its strength impacts the quality of the State and its sustainability. For as long as a State remains the better form of the organization of human society and the individuls develop their identity in connection with a specific territory and society, the national university will remain a key structure for the identity of that society in a globalised world, and thus the strength and attractiveness of a State is closely linked to the quality of national professorship.